

    types of langurs

    Langurs, part of the Colobinae subfamily, represent Old World monkeys recognized for their elongated bodies, extended tails, and remarkable facial features. They are primarily tree-dwelling, spending most of their lives amid the canopy of diverse forest environments. Langurs are notable for their intricate social structures, unique means of communication, and crucial ecological roles, especially in seed dispersion and forest rejuvenation.

    Numerous langur species exist, each boasting distinct traits and behaviors. However, a common characteristic they share is an herbivorous diet (folivorous) consisting mainly of leaves, fruits, and blossoms. This preference in food consumption significantly shapes their habitat, affecting plant communities and the overall structure of the forest.

    Primarily, all langur species are grouped under the tribe Presbytini with 3 genera, namely Trachypithecus (Lutungs), Presbytis (Surilis), and Semnopithecus (Gray Langurs). Langurs inhabit an extensive geographic range, mainly in Asia.


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