Black colobus
The black colobus, also known as satanic black colobus, is a species of Old-World monkey in the Colobus genus. The black colobus is the oldest of the 5 recognized species in the genus Colobus and is said to have diverged 3 to 4 million years ago.
Gray-Cheeked Mangabey
Species Name: Lophocebus albigena
The gray-cheeked mangabey (Lophocebus albigena), also called the white-cheeked mangabey, is an Old World monkey found in the forests of central Africa. Gray-cheeked mangabeys belong to the same family (Cercopithecinae) and phylum (Papionini) as mandrills, macaques, and baboons.
Olive Colobus
Species Name: Procolobus verus
The olive colobus (Procolobus verus), also called the Van Beneden's colobus or green colobus is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. It is the smallest specimen of all the Colobine monkeys. It is rarely seen in its natural habitat due to its secretive nature and cryptic coloration.
Preuss’s Monkey
Species Name: Allochrocebus preussi
The Preuss's monkey (Allochrocebus preussi) also called the Preuss's guenon is a diurnal primate that inhabits terrestrial montane forests (up to 2,500 meters) in eastern Nigeria, western Cameroon, and Bioko in Equatorial Guinea.
Eastern Lesser Bamboo Lemur
Species Name: Hapalemur griseus
The eastern lesser bamboo lemur (Hapalemur griseus) is a small, endangered rainforest primate found only in Madagascar. This unique species has adapted to specialize in a toxic bamboo diet other animals cannot consume. Yet habitat loss and hunting have left remaining populations highly vulnerable.
Hamlyn’s Monkey
Species Name: Cercopithecus hamlyni
The Hamlyn's monkey (Cercopithecus hamlyni), also called the owl-faced monkey, is an Old World monkey inhabiting the Congo's bamboo and primary rain forests. Hamlyn's monkeys have unique feet and hands in elongated phalanges.
Black-faced Lion Tamarin
Species Name: Leontopithecus caissara
The black-faced lion tamarin, also known as superagüi lion tamarin, is a small New-World primate in the Callitrichidae family. Black-faced lion tamarins are diurnal and seek refuge in hollows or tree holes at night.
Berthe’s Mouse Lemur
Species Name: Microcebus berthae
Weighing just over an ounce, Berthe's mouse lemur is the world's smallest primate. Endemic to dwindling western Madagascar forests, this nocturnal insectivore faces grave threats from deforestation and predation despite recent habitat protections. Learn surprising facts about its characteristics, behavior, endangered status, and the conservation efforts crucial to saving this tiny species.
Crowned Lemur
Species Name: Eulemur coronatus
Learn about the endangered crowned lemur (Eulemur coronatus) - this medium-sized rainforest-dwelling primate from N. Madagascar has dense black & white fur and a distinctive orange arrowhead crown marking on its forehead.
Mongoose Lemur
Species Name: Eulemur mongoz
Learn about the endangered mongoose lemur (Eulemur mongoz), a small Madagascar primate with red beards and bushy tails. Get fascinating facts on their rainforest habits, unique behaviors, seed dispersal ecology, and major threats driving their worrying decline.
Blue-Eyed Black Lemur
Species Name: Eulemur flavifrons
Discover the mysterious blue-eyed black lemur, a rare primate found only in the tropical forests of northwestern Madagascar. With striking blue eyes and mostly black fur, they are agile tree-dwellers feeding on fruits, leaves, and insects. Read about their lifestyle, endangered status, and the threats they face.
Golden Bamboo Lemur
Species Name: Hapalemur aureus
Explore all about the magnificent yet critically endangered golden bamboo lemur of Madagascar. This unique primate depends almost entirely on giant bamboo for food and shelter. Read about their adaptations, ecology, reproduction, conservation efforts, and threats facing their fragile habitat.
Siberut Macaque
Species Name: Macaca siberu
The Siberut macaque (Macaca siberu) is an endangered macaque species native to the island of Siberut in Indonesia. It was previously thought to be conspecific with the Pagai Island macaque (Macaca pagensis), which is paler overall, but this arrangement was polyphyletic.
Gray-Shanked Douc Langur
Species Name: Pygathrix cinerea
The gray-shanked douc langur (Pygathrix cinerea) is a species of douc endemic to the Vietnamese provinces of Gia Lai, Quảng Ngãi, Kon Tum, Bình Định, and Quảng Nam. Genetically, Gray-shanked douc langurs are similar to Red-shanked douc langurs (Pygathrix nemaeus).
Nancy Ma’s Night Monkey
Species Name: Aotus nancymaae
Nancy Ma's Night Monkey (Aotus nancymaae) is a species of night monkey from South America. Nancy Ma's night monkeys are social. They form small groups of 2 to 5 individuals, all directly related to each other.
Munduruku Marmoset
Species Name: Mico munduruku
The Munduruku marmoset (Mico munduruku) is a marmoset native to Brazil. It is only found in the southern Amazon over an area of about 120,000 km square, from the right bank of the Jamanxim River below the mouth of the Novo River to the mouth of the Tapajós River.
Mittermeier’s Tapajós Saki
Species Name: Pithecia mittermeieri
Mittermeier's Tapajós Saki (Pithecia mittermeieri) is a disputed species of saki monkey, a type of New World monkey. Populations of this species were previously classified as Tapajós River saki (Pithecia irrorata). Still, a 2014 study described these populations as a separate species, Pithecia mittermeieri, based on their distinctive fur.
Miller’s Saki
Species Name: Pithecia milleri
Miller's Saki (Pithecia milleri), also called Miller's monk saki, is a species of the saki family, a type of New World monkey. Miller's sakis are diurnal and quadrupedal leapers. They usually move on all fours but can be seen swinging bipedally on large branches before leaping to another tree.
Martins’ Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus martinsi
Martin's tamarin (Saguinus martinsi) or Martin's ochraceous bare-faced tamarin, is native to Brazil. These tamarins are distinguished from other New World monkeys by their small size and modified claws instead of nails on all digits except the big toe.
Marca’s Marmoset
Species Name: Mico marcai
The Marca marmoset (Mico marcai) is a native endemic to the Amazon in the Aripuanã-Manicoré interfluvium of Brazil. Marca marmosets that submit to a dominant individual show this by baring their teeth and laying their ears flat.
Rio Mayo Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus oenanthe
The Río Mayo titi (Plecturocebus oenanthe), also known as the San Martín titi, is native to the San Martín region of Peru and is considered Peru's most endangered primate. Río Mayo titis have been described as somewhat temperamental and hesitant and don't tend to be inquisitive.
Río Cesar White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus cesarae
The Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin (Cebus cesarae) is a gracile capuchin monkey native to the Cesar River Valley in northern Colombia. Like other monkeys of the genus Cebus, the Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin is named after the order of the Friar Capuchins because the crests of these friars closely resemble the coloring of the monkey's head.
Rio Beni Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus modestus
The Rio Beni tití is a New World monkey species belonging to the genus Callicebus of the family Pitheciidae. It is native to Bolivia and is found mainly in the eastern parts of Bolivia in the upper basins of the Mamoré and Grande rivers.
White-nosed Saki
Species Name: Chiropotes albinasus
The white-nosed saki (Chiropotes albinasus) is bearded, a New World monkey species native to the Amazon rainforest of south-central Brazil. White-nosed sakis are sometimes found in large social groups of 18-30 individuals. Their main reason for traveling is the food search.
Red-handed Howler
Species Name: Alouatta belzebul
The red-handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul) is an endangered species of howler monkey, a New World species. Red-handed howler monkeys are diurnal, although they spend most of the day (up to 80%) sleeping on tree branches with members of their squad.
Silvery Brown Bare-face Tamarin
Species Name: Saguinus leucopus
The white-footed tamarin (Saguinus leucopus), the silvery-brown bare-faced tamarin, is native to Colombia. It is silvery brown with pale stripes and reddish underparts. It closely resembles the cotton-tipped tamarin from which it is separated by the Atrato River.
Sierra De Perijá White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus leucocephalus
The Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin monkey (Cebus leucocephalus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to Venezuela and Colombia. The Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin range is restricted to northwestern Venezuela and northern Colombia forests.
Shock-headed Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus cuscinus
The shock-headed capuchin (Cebus cuscinus) is a gracile capuchin monkey native to Peru and Bolivia. This New-world monkey was previously classified as a subspecies of the Humboldt's capuchin (Cebus albifrons), but in 2013 Rylands and Mittermeier raised it to a separate species, following genetic studies done by Boubli et al. in 2012, and Lynch Alfaro et al. in 2010.
Santarem Marmoset
Species Name: Mico humeralifer
The Santarem marmoset (Mico humeralifer), also called the black-and-white tassel marmoset, is a marmoset native to the Amazon and Pará states of Brazil. Santarem marmosets make long cries with their rapidly vibrating tongue, designed to sound like a cricket, and shorter chirps.
Santa Marta White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus malitiosus
The Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin (Cebus malitiosus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to Colombia. The Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin range is restricted to forests near northern Colombia's northwestern base of the Sierra de Santa Marta.
Ryland’s Bald-faced Saki
Species Name: Pithecia rylandsi
The Ryland's Bald-Faced Saki (Pithecia rylandsi) is a controversial species of saki monkey, a New World monkey species. It is one of the largest sakis. This South American monkey was named after Brazilian primatologist Anthony Rylands, a former professor of vertebrate zoology at the Federal University of Minas Gerais and founding editor of the journal Neotropical Primates.
Rondon’s Marmoset
Species Name: Mico rondoni
Rondon's Marmoset (Mico rondoni), also called the Rondônia marmoset, is a small species of monkey in the Callitrichidae family found in the southwestern Amazon of Brazil. Rondon's marmoset was only described in 2010, and its name refers to the famous Amazon explorer Cândido Rondon.
Wied’s Marmoset
Species Name: Callithrix kuhlii
The Wied's marmoset (Callithrix kuhlii), also called the Wied's black-tufted-ear marmoset, is a New World monkey that lives in the tropical and subtropical forests of eastern Brazil. Unlike other common marmosets, Wied's marmosets live in groups consisting of 4 or 5 females and 2 or 3 males (plus juveniles).
White-cheeked Spider Monkey
Species Name: Ateles marginatus
The white-cheeked spider monkey (Ateles marginatus), also known as the white-whiskered spider monkey, is a New World monkey native to the Amazon Basin of central Brazil.
Variegated Spider Monkey
Species Name: Ateles hybridus
The Variegated spider monkey or brown spider monkey (Ateles hybridus) is an endangered species of spider monkey, a species of New World monkey endemic to the forests of northwestern Venezuela and northern Colombia.
Varied White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus versicolor
The Varied white-fronted capuchin (Cebus versicolor) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey endemic to Colombia. The Varied white-fronted capuchin lives in the lowland rainforests and palm swamps of the Magdalena River Valley in northern Colombia.
Spix’s White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus unicolor
Spix's White-fronted Capuchin (Cebus unicolor) is a species of a gracile capuchin monkey. The species is widespread in the upper Amazon basin in Peru and Brazil. It is also present in northern Bolivia. According to the genetic studies by Boubli et al., Ryland and Mittermeier elevated it to a distinct species.
Spix’s Red-handed Howler
Species Name: Alouatta discolor
Spix's Red-Handed Howler (Alouatta discolor) is a species of howler monkey endemic to the southeastern Amazon in Brazil. Spix's Red-headed Howler is currently on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's Endangered Species List based on a population decline of more than 30% over the last 3 generations, mainly due to habitat loss.
Peruvian Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey
Species Name: Lagothrix flavicauda
The Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey (Lagothrix flavicauda), also called the yellow-tailed woolly monkey, is a New World monkey native to Peru. Peruvian yellow-tailed woolly monkey is among the rarest Neotropical primates and one of the largest mammals endemic to Peru.
Peruvian White-fronted Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus yuracus
The Peruvian white-fronted capuchin or Marañón white-fronted capuchin (Cebus yuracus) is a species of gracile capuchin monkey native to the upper Amazon basin. Peruvian white-fronted capuchin monkeys live in multi-male, multi-female groups of 5 to 18 individuals, with approximately equal numbers of males and females.
Parecis Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus parecis
The Parecis titi (Plecturocebus parecis) is a species of titi, a New World monkey native to Brazil. The range of the new species is in the deforestation arc of the Amazon, where large tracts of forest are being destroyed for timber, settlements, and industrial agriculture.
Panamanian White-faced Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus imitator
The Panamanian white-faced capuchin (Cebus mimic), also called the Panamanian white-headed capuchin or the Central American white-faced capuchin is a mid-sized New World monkey in the Cebidae family. Native to Central American forests, the Panamanian white-faced capuchin is vital to rainforest ecology for its role in seed and pollen dispersal.
Panamanian Night Monkey
Species Name: Aotus zonalis
The Panamanian night monkey or Chocoan night monkey (Aotus zonalis) is a species of night monkey formerly considered a subspecies of the grey-bellied night monkey in the Aotidae family. Panamanian night monkeys are sympatric with other species. They do not compete for resources with other animals in their range due to their alternate schedules.
Ornate Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus ornatus
The ornate titi (Plecturocebus ornatus) is a species of titi and the smallest member of the Pitheciidae family, including the uakari and saki monkeys. Ornate titis have a monogamous mating system. A couple has a strong bond and stays together for years.
Ollala Brothers’ Titi
Species Name: Plecturocebus olallae
The Ollala Brothers' titi (Plecturocebus olallae) is a marmoset species of New World monkeys native to Bolivia. Like all Neotropical primates (except Aotus), the Ollala brothers' titi monkeys are highly diurnal.
Neblina Uakari
Species Name: Cacajao hosomi
The Neblina uakari (Cacajao hosomi), black-headed uakari, is a recently described monkey species from the extreme northwest of the Brazilian Amazon and adjacent southern Venezuela. Neblina uakari's English name refers to the Pico da Neblina, which marks its known distribution approximate center.
Maranhão Red-Handed Howler
Species Name: Alouatta ululata
The Maranhão red-handed howler (Alouatta ululata) is native to forests (e.g., Babaçu forests) in the northeastern Brazilian states of Piauí, Maranhão, and Ceará. Red-handed howler monkeys are among the least studied species of all howler monkeys.
Kaapori Capuchin
Species Name: Cebus kaapori
The Kaapori capuchin (Cebus kaapori) also known as Ka'apor Capuchin, is a capuchin monkey native to Brazil. Previously considered a subspecies of the wedge-capped capuchin monkey (Cebus olivaceus), it was elevated to species status recently.
Illiger’s Saddle-Back Tamarin
Species Name: Leontocebus illigeri
(Leontocebus illigeri) is a species of saddleback tamarin, a type of small monkey native to South America. Illiger's saddleback tamarin is native to the Peruvian Amazon, and its type locality is in Loreto, Peru, on the left bank of the lower Ucayali River.
Golden-mantled Tamarin
Species Name: Leontocebus tripartitus
The golden-mantled tamarin (Leontocebus tripartius) is native to South America. The golden-mantled tamarin is an arboreal, diurnal species that leaps and walks quadrupedally through the undergrowth.