Animalia | Primates | Aotidae | Aotus | Aotus nigriceps |

- Common Name: Black-headed Night Monkey
- Taxonomy Classification Year: 1909
- Monkey Size: 24 to 37 cm (9.4 to 14.5 in)
- Skin Color(s): Grey-black
- Habitat: Forest, rainforest
- Diet: Herbivorous
- Native Countries: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru

Black-headed Night Monkey Distribution

Black-Headed Night Monkey Characteristics
The black-headed night monkey[1] is a nocturnal monkey species native to South America. The monkeys are small primates about the size of a small squirrel.
- Their coats are thick and short. The adult Aotus nigriceps has dark gray-black agouti fur on the upper back and front legs and orange-tan fur on the tail, outer hind legs, and lower back.
- They also have three distinctive black bands that almost converge on the forehead.
- Two of these bands follow the sides of the face to the upper jaw, with the central band extending to the bridge of the nose.
- In addition, they have white patches above each eye, under the mouth, and on the cheeks.

Black-Headed Night Monkey Facts
- The black-headed night monkeys in Peru have mainly inhabited degraded areas. Sometimes, these areas have been disturbed by human activities or natural phenomena in the ecosystem.
- It is known as nu’nu’ in the Shawi language of Peru and ausisiti in the Kwaza language of Rondônia, Brazil.
- Although there is little data on the mass of Aotus nigriceps in particular, both male and female, Aotus species weigh an average of 750 g when fully grown, reaching this size by 14 months of age.
- These primates are serially monogamous; mates can be evicted due to violence by a same-sex intruder.
- Aotus nigriceps individuals are very territorial and defend their range with sexually specific vocalizations and aggression.

Suggested Reading: Biggest Monkey Species
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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 02). Black-headed Night Monkey. Bio Explorer. "Black-headed Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, 02 February 2025, "Black-headed Night Monkey" Bio Explorer, February 02 2025.