
History of Botany

    History of Botany Botany is the systematic and scientific study of plants. This field focuses on their structure and biochemistry, the physiological processes that occur in them, as their relationships with the environment and other organisms.

    The history of botany goes back to 4th-century B.C.E. Man’s curiosity about plants led to many discoveries in Botany which shaped our current lives in many ways. At present, various sub-fields of botany have already emerged. These include plant pathology, plant ecology, paleobotany, and forensic botany.

    But despite being established as a discipline, the term “plant” definition remains vague and still up for more clarification. Botanists often describe plants more inclusively with multicellular, eukaryotic organisms that do not have sensory organs and have, when complete, root, stem, and leaves.

    History of Botany – A Timeline


    1. […] field of botany grew by leaps and bounds during this time. John Hooke invented the microscope, and Anton von […]


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