Top 7 Pros and Cons of Cloning

Pros and cons of cloning

Cloning creates a copy of a single cell or an entire living organism. Each clone bears the same sets of genetic material in the nucleus of every cell. An individual produced from such a process is known as a clone of the original organism.

Naturally, the term is used for identical or monozygotic twins as they are natural clones of each other. Cloning, as a sudden scientific concept, has shown itself to the general public as a technique that can be done with ease and relative success since it accomplished the cloning of the Dolly, the sheep in 1997.


  1. […] laboratories. Students can learn the foundations of biotechnology and molecular biology through molecular cloning experiments. Research-based teaching helps to enhance the problem-solving skills of students through research […]

  2. The artificial creation of life; sounds like “Frankenstein” at the genetic level. We will.never have another “Picasso” or “Einstein” (not that way), that’s nuture not nature. Just because we “can” doesn’t mean that we “should”. What about when clones reproduce. Doesn’t that bring forward recessive genes, making a species more vulnerable. Will that create a domino effect that will take out that species? It worries me. It reminds me of Kurt Vonnegut’s ” ice nine”; a beautiful but deadly thing. Cloning human beings; no. Just let God and nature take care of that. Other things, well……..please be careful!


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