Top 10 Spectacular Asexual Reproduction In Animals

asexual organisms

Asexual Reproduction: Imagine this. What if you could possibly reproduce without a partner? Wouldn’t that be great? As they say, life always finds a way; and for instance, perhaps parthenogenesis is just one of these life’s tricks.

The logic behind this phenomenon goes: if no suitable male partner is present, why waste more time when you have the ability to make “half-clones” of yourself?

Parthenogenesis[1], or more colloquially known as virgin birth, is a form of asexual reproduction wherein offspring are produced in the absence of fertilization or the fusion of gametes.


  1. What you have pictured as a “Turkey” in #5 is actually a Guineafowl. Some in Europe refer to guineafowl as “turkey”, but there exists some confusion in your article because you reference the family Phasianidae, that normally contains the Turkey species native to North America. The Guineafowl that is pictured, normally originates in the family Numididae, and has origins in North Africa.

    From everything I’ve read, it is the North American Turkey that is capable of asexual reproduction as you have described, not the guineafowl.



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