Flowers provide us with so much joy. The bright colors, the intoxicating scents – it’s no wonder they’re one of the most popular gifts for all occasions. Flower names starting with G are Gardenias, Gerberas, Gladioli, Garden Phlox. The list goes on and on!
Flowers Starting with G
These are but a few of the flowers whose names start with G.
Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
The hearty, heat-tolerant hedge flower is an excellent addition to the casual garden with vibrantly patterned, daisy-like blooms in yellow, orange, and red shades. The flowers of the Gaillardia species comprise numerous small central disk flowers enveloped by 15 or more sterile striped flowers (although some do not have striped flowers).
Gas Plant
Flower Type: Perennials
The gas plant is an old-school classic; the gas plant is an erect, clumping perennial that blooms with small pink or white flowers from late spring to early summer. The flowers (pink or white) and leaves emit a powerful aromatic vapor that can ignite, hence the names of Burning Bush and gas plant.
Flower Type: Perennials
Gayfeather (Liatris spicata), commonly known as the Blazing Star, Marsh Blazing Star, or Dense Blazing Star, is a tall, erect, lumpy perennial native to low-lying wetlands, grasslands, and marsh edges. It has terminal ends (6 to 12" long) of stalkless, round, downy, dark purple buds (up to 3/4" wide each) that appear on stiff, upright, leafy pedicels.
Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
Gazania is an annual and perennial plant known for its extreme tolerance to heat and drought. The flowers of this species are orange with black eyes at the base and orange-brown discs. Hybrid varieties come in various additional hues, including shades of white, bronze, orange, or yellow.
Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
A classic garden plant indeed, Geraniums have been a favorite of many gardeners for over a century. Although most Geraniums are cultivated as annually, they are perennial plants. Geraniums have symmetrical flowers with petals of the same shape and size. The flowers vary in color from white to pink, through deep reds to purple.
Flower Type: Perennials
The Gerbera flower, native to South Africa, belongs to the Asteraceae family along with the sunflower. They belong to an extensive family since there are currently more than 40 species of Gerbera flowers in the world. The striped flowers of the species are usually available in orange, yellow, and red.
Flower Type: Perennials
Geum, sometimes referred to as Avens, is certainly not one of the most popular perennials. However, it has been grown in gardens for several years. In spring, upright, filiform, branchy, flowering stems rising above the leaves with 5-leaf tips, brick red to orange-red (up to 1.5" in diameter) flowers with clusters of yellow stamens.
Flower Type: Annuals/Perennials
Mahon's Gilliflower has a beautiful appearance and an alluring scent that will turn heads. Indeed, this flower is sometimes used in bridal bouquets, decorations, and gifts. Today, this beautiful flower has around 140 species. It comes in various shades, including white, blue, purple, red, and pink.
Flower Type: Perennials
Ginger is the popular name for the perennial herb Zingiber officinale, an upright plant in the family Zingiberaceae that is widespread for its edible underground horizontal stem (rhizome). The flowers have dense conical spikes about an inch thick and two to three inches long and consist of overlapping green bracts with yellow edges.
Gladiolus (plural Gladioli) belongs to a genus of around 260 bulbous plants primarily native to South Africa but found in East Africa, Northwest Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Mediterranean. There is a wide variety of floral colors, including green, lavender, pink, red, orange, yellow, cream, and white.
Globe Amaranth
Flower Type: Annuals
Globe Amaranth (Gomphrena globosa), is an annual tropical plant native to Central America from Panama to Guatemala. There are different varieties available in white, purple, and pink. Globe Amaranth grows 1 to 2 feet tall and one foot across with rigid, upright, branching stems.
Globe Thistle
Flower Type: Perennials
Globe Thistle is among the prickly jokes of life. They thrive nearly everywhere and carry a dreadful sting when they come in contact with the skin. However, they are excitingly shaped and available in deep purples and blues that are beautiful additions to the garden.
Flower Type: Perennials
Globeflowers (Trollius europaeus) look awesome next to streams, ponds, and lakes like ranunculus on steroids. These flowers are easy to grow and produce numerous blooms in early summer and late spring. It exhibits yellow spherical flowers from late spring to early summer on sparse-stemmed leaves that grow up to 18-24" in height.
Chionodoxa forbesii is commonly referred to as the Glory-of-the-Snow because it flowers early enough that its flowers often protrude directly from the snow. The small, upturned flowers are pale blue with a whitish center, making them nearly translucent or glassy.
Goat’s Beard
Flower Type: Perennials
Goat's Beard (Aruncus dioicus), also called bride's feathers, is a perennial plant in the Rosaceae family. The pinnate clusters of filmy cream-colored thread-like flowers grow on long, branching spikes above the foliage and bloom from late May to mid-July.
Goat’s rue
Flower Type: Perennials
Galega officinalis, also known as Goat's rue or galega, professor weed, Italian fitch, or French lilac, is an herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae (legume) family. The white to pinkish- lilac flowers give way to pods containing 2 to 6 kidney-shaped seeds.
As soon as the temperatures rise again in early summer, the flowers of Godetia grandiflora peak. Also known as the satin flower, the godetias consist of up to 25 species of flowering plants. These come in many bright shapes and shades, from delicate pastels and sheer satin white to eye-catching two- and three-tone combinations of sparkling apricot, mauve, lavender, carmine, red, purple, pink, orange petalled blooms.
Golden Marguerite
Also known as yellow chamomile, the Golden Marguerite (Anthemis tinctoria) is a species of field chamomile (Anthemis) in the Asteraceae (sunflower) family. There are about a hundred species in the Anthemis genus. The cup-shaped flowers, primarily golden yellow, with hemispherical heads, appear from June to August.
Easily recognizable but often called the lambs quarter, the grape-leaved goosefoot (Chenopodium album) is a plant found in several countries worldwide. In fall, small greenish-yellow flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves and on the tips of the branches while the flower head develops.
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