Calla Lily Flower

When many of us think of a lily, the first thing we think of is a Calla Lily. However, according to various scientific studies, the Calla Lily is not a real lily. Furthermore, the name of the flower is a misnomer. Carolus Linnaeus, a Swedish botanist misnamed the plant.

Calla Lily Flower

Finally, Karl Koch (a German botanist) corrected this error by creating the genus Zantedeschia. At this point, however, the flower’s name had stuck already.

Calla Lily Flower

Either way, these lovely flowers have long been linked with natural beauty and represent various things, many of which can be traced back to Egyptian, Roman, and Greek legends.

Purple Calla Lily Flower

There are 6 species of this flower[1] native to South Africa and famous worldwide for gardening and cut flowers. However, if you are looking for a truly unique flower, the Calla Lily truly delivers.

Yellow Calla Lily Flower

These flowers are unprecedented and recognizable, featuring a single petal that wraps around to make a charming statement. Other popular names for Calla Lily are arum lily, trumpet lily, and pig lily. Calla Lilies are generally white, but other colors of Calla Lilies are black, orange, purple, green, pink, and yellow.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2025, February 07). Calla Lily. Bio Explorer. "Calla Lily" Bio Explorer, 07 February 2025, "Calla Lily" Bio Explorer, February 07 2025.
Key References
  • [1]“Zantedeschia aethiopica (Calla Lily)”. Accessed October 28, 2021. Link.


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