How To Become A Medical Geneticist?

How to become a medical geneticist

A Medical Geneticist is a specialist that consults patients about various genetic disorders and assists in family planning. A medical geneticist can also participate in research related to human genetics.

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How to become a medical geneticist?

In order to become a medical geneticist, one should:

There are two possible career tracks afterward:

Researcher Track:

  • Get a graduate degree in genetics (masters followed by a Ph.D. in human genetics/medical genetics). It would take approximately 6 years (2 years for the Masterโ€™s degree and at least 3 years for the grad school to obtain a Ph.D.);
  • Complete a 2-year ABMG-accredited fellowship in:
    • Clinical, biochemical genetics;
  • Laboratory genetics and genomics (LGG);
  • Get certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG) as a clinical laboratory geneticist;

Medical Professional Track:

  • Pass the Medical Colleges Admissions Test (MCAT);
  • Join a licensed medical school and make sure to take advanced courses in pathology, anatomy, and microbiology. The study at the medical school last four years, including internship;
  • Pass the 3 stages of the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE);
  • Join an accredited medical school and complete the 4-year course of study, including the internship rotations;
  • Join a 3-year residency in a primary medical specialty:
  • Get certified by the American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG);
  • You can get additional training in:
    • Medical biochemical genetics (1 year);
    • Clinical molecular genetics (1 year);

Average Salary Range for Medical Geneticists

In the United States, the average salary for a medical geneticist ranges between $57,000 and $125,000 depending on the area of work.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, July 19). How To Become A Medical Geneticist?. Bio Explorer. "How To Become A Medical Geneticist?" Bio Explorer, 19 July 2024, "How To Become A Medical Geneticist?" Bio Explorer, July 19 2024.

Key References

  • โ€œGeneticist Job Description | Geneticist Training and Education Requirements | Healthcarepathwayโ€. Accessed November 30, 2019. Link.


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