
Coimbra Filho's Titi

AnimaliaPrimatesPitheciidaeCallicebusCallicebus coimbrai
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Name: Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1999
  • Monkey Size: 29 to 42 cm (11.42 to 16.54 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Brownish-gray
  • Habitat: Forests
  • Diet: Herbivorous
  • Native Countries: Brazil

Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi Distribution

Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi Characteristics

Coimbra Filhos Titi[1] or Coimbra titi is a species of titi, a New World primate native to the forests of the Brazilian states of Sergipe and Bahia.

  • Coimbra Filhos Titiโ€™s characteristics that most distinguish them from other members of the Personatus genus include the black forehead, ear area, crown, and a zebra-like backโ€™s anterior.
  • Coimbra Filhos Titi is also distinguished from other members of the Personatus genus by the shape of its teeth and skull.
  • The skull is smaller and slightly different in shape compared to other members of its genus.
  • The teeth are more U-shaped as well, as opposed to the V-shaped teeth shown by other members of the Personatus genus.
  • Also, it exhibits a different dental topography on the maxillary first and second molars compared to the other members of the genus.

What Do Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titis Eat?

The Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi nourishes on Wild Coffee (Psychotria), Ambay Pumpwood (Cecropia pachystachya), Matchwood (Schefflera morototoni) and Granadillo Bobo (miconia ia prasina)[ยถ].

Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi Facts

  • Coimbra Filhos Titi is considered one of the most critically endangered neotropical primates.
  • It is named in honor of Adelmar F. Coimbra-Filho, founder and former director of the Rio de Janeiro Primate Center, for his Brazilian biology and primatology work.
  • While other Callicebus species are endemic to many parts of South America, from Colombia to Peru, Brazil, and northern Paraguay, Coimbra Filhos Titi is only present in a minimal area of โ€‹โ€‹the coastal states of Sergipe and Bahia in the northeast of Brazil.
  • Usually, the species lives in small groups of 3 to 5 members. Such a group usually consists of a breeding pair and their direct offspring that are not yet sexually mature.
  • Coimbra Filhos Titi has been noted for displaying extreme defensive and territorial behavior when threatened.

Suggested Reading: Monkey Names

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, July 22). Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/coimbra-filhos-titi/.
BioExplorer.net. "Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi" Bio Explorer, 22 July 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/coimbra-filhos-titi/.
BioExplorer.net. "Coimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi" Bio Explorer, July 22 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/coimbra-filhos-titi/.
Key References
  • [1] โ€“ โ€œCoimbra Filhoโ€™s Titi Monkey-Encyclopedia of Lifeโ€. Accessed December 12, 2022. Link.
  • [ยถ] โ€“ Bello, C., Galetti, M., Montan, D., Pizo, M. A., Mariguela, T. C., Culot, L., Bufalo, F., Labecca, F., Pedrosa, F., Constantini, R., Emer, C., Silva, W. R., da Silva, F. R., Ovaskainen, O. and Jordano, P. (2017), Atlantic frugivory: a plant-frugivore interaction data set for the Atlantic Forest. Ecology, 98: 1729. doi:10.1002/ecy.1818. doi:10.1002/ecy.1818


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