The coppery titi[1], or the red titi, is a species of titi, a type of New-World monkey native to South America.
- Coppery titi monkeys have dense fur that covers most of the body except for the face.
- They have a band of white fur on the top of their heads and red fur on the sides of their cheeks, belly, and chest.
- The back is draped in dark brown fur, while the insides of the legs and arms are red or orange. The hind legs are shorter than the front legs.
- The three subspecies of Callicebus cupreus: C. c. discolor, C. c. ornatuas, and C. c. Cupreus can be distinguished from each other by the difference in the color of the fur on the forehead.
- Callicebus cupreus discolor has white or beige fur that flows on the forehead, while C. c. cupreus has a less contrasting beige forehead highlighted with black fur.
- Callicebus c. ornatus shares a pale forehead with C. c. discolor but can be distinguished by light fur on fingers.