How To Become An Intensivist?

How to become an intensivist?

How To Become An Intensivist? An intensivist is otherwise known as a critical care physician. Intensivists are medical specialists who treat critically ill patients in need of intensive care.

An intensivist does not specialize in certain disorders or organs but can lead the treatment of the patient together with other specialists (cardiologists, pulmonologists, and other physicians).

How to become an intensivist?

In order to become an intensivist, one needs to:

  • Complete a pre-med Bachelor degree;
  • Volunteer in a medical organization to gain experience;
  • Pass the College Admission Test (MCAT);
  • Gain entry to the licensed medical school and complete the 4-year course of study, including the period of internship;
  • Pass the three-parts of the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE);
  • Complete a 3-year residency in:
    • Internal medicine;
    • Surgery;
    • Pediatrics;
    • Pulmonary medicine;
  • Join a 2-year fellowship in a subspecialty of internal medicine:
    • Pulmonology;
    • Surgery;
    • Anesthesiology;
    • Cardiovascular Diseases;
    • Gastrointestinal Diseases
  • Complete a 1-year fellowship in critical care;
  • Obtain certification in critical care from a joint board that combines:
    • American Board of Internal Medicine;
    • American Board of Surgery;
    • American Board of Pediatrics;
    • American Board of Anesthesiology

Average Salary Range For Intensivists:

In the United States, the average salary for the critical care specialist is between $259,000 and $408,000.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, July 21). How To Become An Intensivist?. Bio Explorer. "How To Become An Intensivist?" Bio Explorer, 21 July 2024, "How To Become An Intensivist?" Bio Explorer, July 21 2024.

Key References

  • โ€œWhat Is an Intensivist? โ€“ UMass Memorial Medical Center โ€“ UMass Memorial Health Careโ€. Accessed November 28, 2019. Link.
  • โ€œIntensivist Salaries in United Statesโ€. Accessed November 28, 2019. Link.


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