
Hoffmann's Titi

AnimaliaPrimatesPitheciidaePlecturocebusPlecturocebus hoffmannsi
IUCN Status: Least-Concern
  • Common Name: Hoffmannsโ€™s Titi
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1908
  • Monkey Size: 32 to 35 cm (12.5 to 13.75 inches)
  • Skin Color(s): Gray
  • Habitat: Forest, rainforest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Brazil

Hoffmannโ€™s Titi Distribution

Hoffmannโ€™s Titi Characteristics

Hoffmannโ€™s titi[1] (Plecturocebus hoffmannsi) is a New World primate native to Brazil.

  • It was described as Callicebus hoffmannsi in 1908. These primates have small to medium-sized bodies.
  • With a height of 32 to 35 centimeters and a weight of 880 to 1020 grams, Hoffmannโ€™s titi monkey is about the size of a rabbit.
  • Their tails are typically longer than the head and body combined.
  • Their pelage and body coloration differ only slightly within this particular species but very distinctly from other Titis species, ranging from blackish-brown, blackish, brown, and grayish to various combinations of these colors.
  • One thing the Hoffmannโ€™s titi monkey has in common with other titi species is that they all have very thick fur, which some biologists have described as shaggy in appearance.

Hoffmannโ€™s Titi Facts

  • Hoffmannโ€™s titis are known to live in small, pair-bonded, and territorial groups and are considered monogamous by most biologists.
  • They move through the forest by leaping in the lower levels, which include undergrowth and shrub layers, but with occasional movements in the prominent canopy.
  • Hoffmannโ€™s titi monkey groups inhabit a fixed territory, which they mark with duet songs every morning.
  • The fathers participate intensely in the breeding season, carrying the young and taking them to the mother only to suckle.
  • In their environment, Hoffmannโ€™s-Titi monkeys have no known significant predators or threats. Moreover, they are found in a relatively remote region isolated from most anthropogenic influences.

Suggested Reading: Kinds of Primates

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, July 23). Hoffmannโ€™s Titi. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/hoffmanns-titi/.
BioExplorer.net. "Hoffmannโ€™s Titi" Bio Explorer, 23 July 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/hoffmanns-titi/.
BioExplorer.net. "Hoffmannโ€™s Titi" Bio Explorer, July 23 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/monkeys/hoffmanns-titi/.
Key References
  • [1] โ€“ โ€œUniProtโ€. Accessed December 14, 2022. Link.


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