How To Become A Gastroenterologist?

How to become a gastroenterologist?

How To Become A Gastroenterologist? A gastroenterologist is a medical doctor that treats problems with the digestive system, mainly the stomach and the intestinal tract.

How To Become A Gastroenterologist?

To obtain a qualification as a gastroenterologist, one needs to:

  • Complete a Bachelorโ€™s degree that includes Biology, Organic Chemistry, and Physics courses.
  • Pass the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) exam for medical school.
  • Graduate from medical school, completing both the theoretical courses and rotations during the internship.
  • Obtain a medical license from the National Board of Medical Examiners and the Federation of State Medical Boards.
  • Join a residency in internal medicine.
  • Complete a specialized gastroenterology fellowship that lasts one or two years.

Specialized gastroenterology training involves:

  • Training in hepatic diseases;
  • Training in gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Management of long-term gastrointestinal patients;

Obtain certification both in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology from the American Board of Internal Medicine. Choose a subspecialty:

  • Esophageal disease;
  • Gastrointestinal oncology;
  • Nutrition/obesity treatment;

Renew certification every 10 years and participate in additional classes;

  • Join a professional organization (American Gastroenterological Association);

Top 10 Best Colleges for Biology Pre-Med

Here are the top 10 prestigious best colleges for biology pre-med in the US that helps to lay the foundation of biomedical knowledge by the pre-med courses.

Average Salary Range For Gastroenterologists in the USA

Depending on the state, the salary of a gastroenterologist in the United States ranges from $148,650 to $185,480.

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APA7MLA8Chicago (2024, July 13). How To Become A Gastroenterologist?. Bio Explorer. "How To Become A Gastroenterologist?" Bio Explorer, 13 July 2024, "How To Become A Gastroenterologist?" Bio Explorer, July 13 2024.

Key References

  • โ€œQ: What Is the Average Gastroenterologist Salary by State in 2019?โ€. Accessed November 19, 2019. Link.


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