
Kloss's Gibbon

AnimaliaPrimatesHylobatidaeHylobatesHylobates klossii
Kloss's Gibbon
IUCN Status: Endangered
  • Common Names: Klossโ€™s Gibbon, Dwarf Siamang, Mentawai Gibbon, or Bilou
  • Taxonomy Classification Year: 1903
  • Monkey Size: 44 to 63 cm (17 to 25 in)
  • Skin Color(s): Black
  • Habitat: Rainforest
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Native Countries: Indonesia

Klossโ€™s Gibbon Distribution

Klossโ€™s Gibbon Characteristics

Kloss's Gibbon

Klossโ€™s gibbon[1] (Hylobates klossii), also called the dwarf siamang, Mentawai gibbon, or Bilou, is an endangered primate in the gibbon family Hylobatidae.

  • This species has long forearms for brachiation.
  • These slender, tailless primates have a thick, glossy black coat with padding on the buttocks and a large throat pouch under the chin.
  • The throat pouch helps fuel their calls.
  • Females are somewhat larger than males, with males weighing around 5.6 kg and females around 5.9 kg.

What Eats Klossโ€™s Gibbons?

What Eats Klosss Gibbons?

Leopards (Panthera pardus), Cobras (Serpentes) and Falconiforms (Falconiformes) are the primary predators of Klossโ€™s Gibbons.

Klossโ€™s Gibbon Facts

Kloss's Gibbon

  • Klossโ€™s gibbons[2] are territorial, with semi-adult males and adolescents working with their fathers to protect the groupโ€™s territory.
  • It is a diurnal rainforest inhabitant, hanging from trees with long arms and rarely reaching the ground.
  • Like all gibbon species, it lives in pairs that define a territory of about 20 to 30 hectares.
  • Unlike most other gibbon species (except the Javan silvery gibbon and Hylobates moloch), male and female Klossโ€™s gibbons do not sing in duet.
  • The female Klossโ€™s gibbon song is considered the most beautiful of all gibbon songs. The distinctive calls are characterized by a slow rise and fall punctuated by a succession of trills.

Suggested Reading: Types of Apes with Pictures

Cite This Page

BioExplorer.net. (2024, July 22). Klossโ€™s Gibbon. Bio Explorer. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/apes/klosss-gibbon/.
BioExplorer.net. "Klossโ€™s Gibbon" Bio Explorer, 22 July 2024, https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/apes/klosss-gibbon/.
BioExplorer.net. "Klossโ€™s Gibbon" Bio Explorer, July 22 2024. https://www.bioexplorer.net/animals/mammals/apes/klosss-gibbon/.
Key References
  • [1] โ€“ โ€œManually Fixโ€. Accessed October 22, 2022. Link.
  • [2] โ€“ โ€œFile:Hylobates klossii B.jpg โ€“ Wikimedia Commonsโ€. Accessed October 22, 2022. Link.


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