
Order Dioscoreales / Yams Flowering Plants

    Order Dioscoreales

    Order Dioscoreales is a family of flowering plants which most commonly include herbaceous plants. The famous yam Plant order consists of 21 genera and 900 species[1] worldwide.

    They mostly contain herbaceous plants that parasite fungi and are non-photosynthetic (the bat plant). While other plants of the order contain net-veined type leaves. Some members of the plant order contain medicinal compounds (Diosgenin)[2] in the leaves, which are refined on the commercial level.

    The most important plants of this plant order have massive number of medicinal and food properties[3] (Dioscorea quartiniana (Yam), Dioscorea batatas (Chinese yam), Dioscorea rotundata (White yam) and Dioscorea esculanta).