
Order Alismatales / Aquatic Flowering Plants

Order Alismatales

The Alismatales is an angiosperm order known as ‘water plantains’[1] because all of its members are aquatic or wetland plants with foliage that is completely submerged or partially exposed to the air. They are members of the monocotyledon (monocot) group and belong to the arrowhead and pondweed order flowering plants.

Despite their small commercial value, these non-woody plants provide significant habitat for fish and assist in maintaining shorelines by creating complex communities with other aquatic and emergent stream-bank plants and promoting vegetation succession.

Alismatales are an order of flowering plants, including some well-known species such as the water arum (Calla palustris), Nymphoides peltata, and Japanese water shield (Brasenia schreberi). They are sometimes known as the “watermints“.