Kenya Monkeys

Mount Kilimanjaro Guereza

Species Name: Colobus caudatus
The Mount Kilimanjaro guereza (Colobus caudatus) is one of the 7 subspecies of the mantled guereza. It is found in Kenya and Tanzania in the forests surrounding Mount Meru and Mount Kilimanjaro.

Mantled Guereza

Species Name: Colobus guereza
The mantled guereza (Colobus guereza), also known as the guereza, Abyssinian black-and-white colobus, or eastern black-and-white colobus, is a black-and-white colobus, a species of Old World monkey. The mantled guerezas are typically diurnal.

Tantalus Monkey

Species Name: Chlorocebus tantalus
The tantalus monkey (Chlorocebus tantalus) is an Old World monkey endemic to Africa, ranging from Ghana to Sudan. It was initially described as a subspecies of Grivet (Chlorocebus aethiops). Tantalus monkeys are very similar to vervet monkeys but are smaller in size.

Tana River Mangabey

Species Name: Cercocebus galeritus
Tana River Mangabeys are medium-sized monkeys with long, light gray hair covering most of their bodies. Tana River Mangabeys are highly social animals, living in multi-female social groups averaging 27 individuals in size.

Tana River Red Colobus

Species Name: Piliocolobus rufomitratus
The Tana River red colobus (Piliocolobus rufomitratus), also called the eastern red colobus, is a critically endangered primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The Tana River red colobus monkeys are the only one of 18 species of red colobus that do not live in the tropical rainforest.

Vervet Monkey

Species Name: Chlorocebus pygerythrus
The vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) is an Old World monkey of the Cercopithecidae family endemic to southern and eastern Africa. Not only can vervet monkeys skilfully navigate through the treetops, but they can also swim.

Schmidt’s Red-tailed Monkey

Species Name: Cercopithecus ascanius
The Schmidt's red-tailed monkey, also called the red-tailed guenon, Schmidt's guenon, or black-cheeked white-nosed monkey is a primate species in the Cercopithecidae family. The Schmidt's red-tailed monkey is named for its red coloration on the underside of its tail, as well as the bicolor coloration of its tail as the reddish color increases from the base to the tip.

Yellow Baboon

Species Name: Papio cynocephalus
The yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus) is another baboon species in the group of Old World monkeys. They resemble the Chacma baboon but are slightly smaller and have a less elongated snout. Yellow baboons also have white fur on internal surfaces, such as their cheeks and limbs, similar to the color of the human forearm.

Angolan Colobus

Species Name: Colobus angolensis
The Angolan Colobus is a conspicuously-patterned monkey with a very long tail that helps it maintain its balance as it moves quickly through the trees. Although the species is named after Angola, it's rare in this country.