Evolution Entrance
A comprehensive site with information about scientists and naturalists involved in the development of the theory of evolution. Link
Evolution is a Fact and a Theory
Biologists consider evolution to be a fact in much the same way that physicists do so for gravity. However, the mechanisms of evolution are less well understood, and it is these mechanisms that are described by several theories of evolution. Link
Evolution vs Creation
There are eleven articles in this web site that discuss various aspects of creationists’ theories concerning literal readings of the Bible or supernatural explanations, and each of these is demonstrated to have originated by natural processes or to have a modern science interpretation. Link
Evolution: Full Text of Original Papers from Nineteenth Century onwards
Full text of original papers on evolution from the nineteenth century to thepresent day, with particular emphasis on the work of Darwin’s researcassociate, George Romanes, and the English biologist, William Bateson. Link
the theory that evolution occurred through natural selection. This was again the result of observations such as: • The offspring produced survive longer.
the theory that evolution occurred through natural selection. This was again the result of observations such as: • The offspring produced survive longer.