Acta histochemica – A Journal of Structural Biochemistry
The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for the cytochemical and histochemical research community in the life sciences, including cell biology, biotechnology, neurobiology, immunobiology, pathology, pharmacology, botany, zoology and environmental and toxicological research. The journal focuses on new developments in cytochemistry and histochemistry and their applications.
Amino Acids publishes contributions from all fields of amino acid research: analysis, separation, synthesis, biosynthesis, cross linking amino acids, racemization/enantiomers, modification of amino acids as phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, glycosylation and nonenzymatic glycosylation, new roles for amino acids in physiology and pathophysiology, biology, amino acid analogues and derivatives, polyamines, radiated amino acids, peptides, stable isotopes and isotopes of amino acids.
Analytical Biochemistry, Methods in the Biological Sciences, emphasizes methods in the biological and biochemicalsciences. The journal publishes the results of original research as well as reviews of methods.
Homepage for the journal Annual Review of Biochemistry.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics presents articles in the developing areas of biochemistry and biophysics, especially those related to molecular biology, cell biology, and developmental biology. The journal strives for the rapid publication of articles of high quality and significance in an international forum. The journal features research reports and a new rapid communications section.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications is the premier international journal devoted to the very rapiddissemination (six weeks) of timely and significant experimental results in the diverse fields of biological research. Frequentpublication (36 issues per year) ensures a steady stream of information. The development of the “Breakthroughs and Views”section brings the minireview format to the journal.
The twice-monthly Biochemical Journal is fully online and publishes over 7000 pages of papers covering all aspects of biochemistry, and cell and molecular biology.
Biochemical Society Transactions
Contains the scientific reports and abstracts of the Society’s international meetings, including medal lectures and colloquia.
Biochemistry investigates the rapidly changing arena where chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular and cell biology interrelate. In more than 17,000 pages a year, it covers structure, function and regulation of proteins, enzymes, receptors, arbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids, gene structure and expression, protein, biosynthesis, viruses, immunochemistry, bioenergetics, and membrane structure and function.
The journal includes research papers in all fields of biochemistry as well as biochemical aspects of molecular biology, bio-organic chemistry, microbiology, immunology, physiology, and biomedical sciences. Coverage also extends to: new experimental methods in biochemistry, theoretical contributions of biochemical importance, reviews of contemporary biochemical topics and mini-reviews (News in Biochemistry).
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta: Full Set
The ten individual sections of BBA together provide comprehensive coverage of all major fields in biochemistry, biophysics, and molecular biology: Bioenergetics, Biomembranes, Gene Structure and Expression, General Subjects, Lipids and Lipid Metabolism, Molecular Basis of Disease, Molecular Cell Research, Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology, Review on Biomembranes, Review on Cancer.
Biochimie is a multi-topical journal, publishing original work as well as review articles and mini-reviews in all areas of biology (enzymology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, structure of macromolecules, etc.), provided that the approach adopted stems from biochemistry, biophysics or molecular biology. Interesting nucleotide sequence data are welcome.
Biological Chemistry
Biological Chemistry continues to make progress. The new appearance accompanying the substantial reform brought about a few years ago, the wide scope of fields covered, and the balanced combination of original research articles and informative reviews have been well received by scientists working in biochemistry and molecular biology. This has led to a significant increase in the manuscript submission rate and to a continuously rising impact factor of the journal
Bioorganic Chemistry
Publishing original research at the interface of chemistry and biology, Bioorganic Chemistry: An International Journal presents articles where the principles and techniques of organic and physical organic chemistry are used to solve problems of relevance to biology or that describe chemical studies inspired by some biological observation. The emphasis is on chemical or molecular approaches to the solution of important biological problems.
Clinical Biochemistry publishes articles relating to the applications of molecular biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and immunology to clinical investigation and to the diagnosis, therapy, and monitoring of human disease.
European Journal of Biochemistry
The European Journal of Biochemistry is an international journal devoted to the rapid publication of full length papers describing original research in the areas of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, and molecular biophysics. Preference is given to papers that advance new concepts or develop new experimental approaches.
FEBS Letters is an international journal established for the most rapid possible publication of essentially final short papers in the field of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular cell biology.
Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is an international journal covering all fields of biochemistry. Papers in English that describe significant contributions to biochemical knowledge are published bimonthly, including new results obtained experimentally, descriptions of new experimental methods of biochemical importance, or new interpretations of existing results. Theoretical contributions will also be considered.
Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Progress in Histochemistry and Cytochemistry publishes comprehensive and analytical reviews within the entire field of histochemistry and cytochemistry. Methodological contributions as well as papers in the fields of applied histo- and cytochemistry (e.g. cell biology, pathology, clinical disciplines) will be accepted.
Protein Science is dedicated to the exploration of all scientific aspects of the building blocks of life . protein molecules. It presents research by leading scientists from all over the world that advances the understanding of proteins in the broadest sense, ranging from their discovery, isolation, function, and molecular structure to the most advanced areas of molecular and cell biology in which proteins of defined molecular properties play a significant role.
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
The Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry is the most prominent Russian journal on bioorganic chemistry. It publishes reviews and the results of original experimental and theoretical investigations on the structure, activity relationships, and synthesis of biopolymers such as proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides, mixed biopolymers, and their more highly organized complexes and low molecular mass bioregulators such as peptides, lipids, and antibiotics.
This Journal, devoted to publication of original papers in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell, and biotechnology, was founded in 1922. The Journal is published monthly, with two volumes per annum.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry
The JOURNAL publishes papers based on original research that are judged after editorial review to make a substantial contribution to the understanding of any area of biochemistry or molecular biology.
TiBS publishes shorter debate and comment articles, letters, articles on the history of molecular biology, cartoons, features on molecular biology Internet resources, and a protein sequence motifs section.
Trends in Biochemical Sciences
Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TiBS) is designed to keep its readers up-to-date and well informed about recent advances in biochemistry and molecular biology. In addition to topical reviews, which provide the main focus of each issue, TiBS provides a platform for debate and hypothesis where new ideas can be discussed. A popular section is the Protein Sequence Motif column, which publishes short reports of new motifs or sequence homologies that have been recognized in known sequences.