Acta Oecologica is venue for the publication of original research articles and review in ecology. We encourage studies in behavioural ecology, community ecology, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, physiological ecology and population ecology. There is no bias with respect to taxon, biome or geographic area. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome, but combinations are particulary sought. Priority is given to papers based on explicitly stated hypotheses.
African Journal of Ecology (formerly East African Wildlife Journal) publishes original scientific research into the ecology of the animals and plants of Africa. It has a wide circulation both within and outside Africa and is the foremost research journal on the ecology of the continent. In addition to original articles, the Journal publishes comprehensive reviews on topical subjects and brief communications of preliminary results.
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics
Web site for Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.
Journal covers topics such as: * the biology, physiology, pathology and genetics of cultured fish, crustaceans, molluscs and plants * water quality and its effects * nutrition, feeding and stocking practices, especially as they affect the health, behaviour, appetite, conversion efficiency and growth rates of cultured species * development of economically sound and sustainable production techniques * bioengineering studies * issues in quality and marketing of farmed products.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems is an international journal dedicated to publishing original papers that relate specifically to freshwater, brackish or marine habitats and encouraging work that spans these ecosystems. This journal provides a forum in which all aspects of the conservation of aquatic biological resources can be presented and discussed, enabling greater cooperation and efficiency in solving problems in aquatic resource conservation.
Aquatic Ecology publishes peer-reviewed, original papers relating to the ecology of fresh, brackish, estuarine and marine environments. Papers on fundamental and applied research in both the field and the laboratory, including descriptive or experimental studies, will be included in the journal. Preference will be given to studies that address timely and current topics and are integrative and critical in approach.
AME serves as a worldwide forum for scientific communications on all aspects of aquatic microbial dynamics. In particular, the journal covers research on viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes – both planktonic and benthic, autotrophic and heterotrophic – in marine, limnetic and brackish habitats.
Basic and Applied Ecology
This journal seeks reviews and original contributions from all areas of basic and applied ecology. Ecologists from all countries are invited to publish ecological research of international interest on its pages. Basic and Applied Ecology is the official journal of the “Gesellschaft für Ökologie”.Manuscripts should present new scientific findings that have not been published before and are not being considered for publication elsewhere.
Behavioral Ecology construes the field in its broadest sense to include 1) the use of ecological and evolutionary processes to explain the occurrence and adaptive significance of behavior patterns; 2) the use of behavioral processes to predict ecological patterns, and 3) empirical, comparative analyses relating behavior to the environment in which it occurs.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
The journal publishes reviews and original contributions dealing with quantitative empirical and theoretical studies in the field of the analyis of animal behavior on the level of the individual, population and community. Special emphasis is placed on the proximate mechanisms, ultimate functions and evolution of ecological adaptations of behavior.